Friday 30 September 2011

Issue 4 2011-12

Dear Parent/Carer,

The Big Draw
On Monday we will be holding our Big Draw Event when our classrooms will become Artist Studios, the Hall becomes an enormous Art Installation and our outdoor area gains a permanent graffiti wall. Parents, carers, family members and art enthusiasts are encouraged to join us between 3.15pm and 4.15pm on Tuesday to witness, draw inspiration from and purchase quality artworks from The Robin Hood Art Gallery. All of the works from the day will be on display and films of the works being produced will be showing all around school. Those wishing to purchase artworks are encouraged to make a contribution for the work… a fee negotiated direct with the artist.

Robin Hood has a fantastic reputation for the quality of its Arts curriculum. My special thanks to Mrs Dale, our Deputy Headteacher, who has been the driving force behind this fantastic event.

Two of our Year 6 boys have been to me with their idea for a Scooter Club on a Tuesday lunchtime. Children who bring their scooter, and their helmet, can practice their tricks and stunts together in a supervised and safe area of the playground, helped and encouraged by Ben and Reece. In the first instance, this will be limited to Years 5 and 6 until we can gauge demand. Scooter Club will begin this Tuesday. This is the fourth Club that we are running this year at the suggestion of our pupils.

I have received a request that we provide an after school Rugby Club. As is always the case in schools, the number and range of clubs that we can run is limited by staff capacity. If we have a willing volunteer within our community to run an after school Rugby Club… please get in touch.

Children In Need
Friday 18th November will be a Non-uniform Day for the Children in Need Appeal. The appeal encourages children to 'come in something spotty'. Children should bring a donation to the charity on the day. All proceeds from the day go directly to Children In Need.

Operation Christmas Child
We will again this year support the Operation Christmas Child Appeal. This is a very popular and very successful appeal that is always very well supported at Robin Hood. Children are asked to fill a shoebox with Christmas gifts for a child elsewhere in the world who would not otherwise be receiving a gift at Christmas.

Have a great weekend.
Mr Wilson

Nursery newsletter Autumn 1 week 4
We have had a great week in Nursery and the late summer sunshine has been adored by all! It has been lovely to see the children making the most of our fantastic outdoor area and having lots of fun as they learn new skills. Don't forget Monday is our whole school BIG DRAW event. Children need an old shirt and their named and labelled teddy!.

This week
Following a Funnybones clip, the children have been finding out more about their bodies. The children have had lots of fun learning the “them bones” song and have been assembling their very own moving bodies. We have been playing “Simon says” to help name and identify our body parts – maybe you could have a go at playing this at home too? The children also had an amazing amount of fun as they walked in wellingtons to create their footprints and had lots of messy fun making hand print trees! Please do take a look at the Nursery blog to share our week’s outcomes!

Next week
The children will be finding out about our five senses. We will be using our sense of smell to identify smells on our smelly sock washing line (if you have any spare socks please could you bring them in on Tuesday thank you) and we will be tasting a variety of different tastes without being able to see what they are! We will be asking the children to tell us if they are sweet, salty, sharp, sour etc. The children will also be going on a 'sound walk' and will be using their super listening skills. Please encourage your child to be aware of using their senses at home too, ask them to describe what objects feel like, what tastes they do and do not like, and point out sounds you hear e.g. sirens, car horns, birds tweeting, wind rustling leaves etc.

How you can help us
Please ensure your child completes the home learning task and brings it into school on Monday morning / Wednesday afternoon. Can you also please continue to enjoy sharing and reading stories together with your child as often as possible, and write a comment in their shared reading record. I would also like to take this opportunity to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU for the INCREDIBLE family trees that came into Nursery this week. I was amazed at the effort and creativity of both the children and parents and fully appreciate the time and support you have given your child to allow that to happen!

Reception newsletter Autumn 1 week 4
We have had a great week in Reception and the late summer weather ensured that we could gather up fallen autumn leaves and build our pretend bonfires in the sunshine! It has been lovely to see the children making the most of our fabulous outdoor area. Don't forget Monday is our whole school BIG DRAW event. Children need an old shirt and their named and labelled teddy!. See our latest news on our blog at

This week
Following a Funnybones clip, the children have been finding out more about their bodies. We have talked about bones, muscles, ligaments and even blood! They have been labelling body parts using their initial sound knowledge and have labelled faces by completing a stick and cut activity.The children nominated a member of their group to be the 'body' and the rest of the group have drawn round them and labelled them up. What a shame the paper wasn't big enough for Mrs Steel!

Next week
The children will be finding out about our five senses. If you can have a conversation with your child about these over the weekend, it would really help with their knowledge ahead of next week. We will be using our sense of smell to identify smells on our smelly sock washing line (if you have any spare socks please could you bring them in on Tuesday thank you) and we will be tasting a variety of different tastes without being able to see what they are! We will be asking the children to tell us if they are sweet, salty, sharp, sour etc. The children will also be going on a 'sound walk' and will be using their super listening skills.

How you can help us
Please ensure your child completes the home learning task and brings into school on Monday morning. Can you also spend five minutes every day listening to their amazing reading and write a comment in their shared reading record. Children also need to be practising the sounds and keywords we have sent home so far as we have new ones to introduce next week!

Sounds of the week
these are r (rip, rat) and l (lip, lat)
Keywords of the week are: back, had, and, big, get, dad
Tricky words for this half term are: no, go, the, I, into, to

Well done to the children who brought home a certificate to say they had learnt all their key words and sounds of the week. You really are amazing!

KS1 News

On Monday the children will be taking part in The Big Draw ( All day the children across school will be taking part in a range of drawing activities and experiences which will then be used to transform and decorate our school. You are invited to visit our exhibition on Tuesday 4th at 3:15pm where you can tour the school and appreciate the work of our very own artists. Just like a real Art Gallery you will be able to purchase your child’s Art Work for a small donation.

Please can you ensure that your child brings an old, oversized shirt to school on Monday to protect their clothes during these activities.

We need your Recycling! The children of KS1 have been very busy during their independent learning creating a range of wonderful things in our workshop areas and as a result our box supplies are very low. Any boxes (no egg boxes thank you), yoghurt pots and newspapers that you could bring into school would be gratefully received by your child’s class teacher.

This week the children have started to research information about eating healthily. On Monday the children sampled a range of foods and developed a bank of adjectives to describe the taste, smell, feel and appearance of various foods. This vocabulary is going to be key to persuading more people at Robin Hood to eat healthily when the children put together their own booklet next week. The children have also started to learn a little bit more about the various food groups such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins and they have been writing down facts about why our body needs them.

Next week the children will be looking at how their information and facts can be written and presented in a booklet to encourage Robin Hood to eat healthily.

This week in Numeracy the children have been using our Maltesers method to explore place value and the value of each digit in a given number including tens, hundreds and even thousands! This has also allowed the children to develop both their understanding of number and their ability to read and write numbers correctly. They have also begun to apply this knowledge to a range of activities requiring the children to order a range of numbers in various contexts.

Next week the children will be using their understanding of place value to order quantities and money. They will also be investigating values and playing around with numbers to make new amounts.

We have had a very busy week in KS1 as always! Our wonderful trip around the Local Area and around Morrisons was a big hit with the children and a great opportunity to get to know more about the area that we live in. The trip around Morrisons has been a great experience for the children as they got to find out more about how the Deli, Fishmongers and Bakery operate. Not only did they get to watch bread being made but they even had a sample … Delicious! Finally, the children tested out their customer service skills while working the tills. I am sure that you have heard lots about this trip at home already!

Next week the children will be designing and making their very own healthy Smoothie! They will be sampling possible ingredients and combinations as well as existing products. The children will also be designing their own eye catching packaging to try and encourage people to choose the healthy option!

LKS2 Newsletter

The children in Year 3/4 have had yet another fantastic week! They have showed us an excellent attitude towards their learning!

This week we have been having lots of fun rounding different two, three and four digit numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. The children helped Buzz Lightyear with his till problems. We have also been learning how to make sensible estimations. Next week, we will be focusing multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and recognising 2 digit and 3 digit multiples of 2, 5, and 10. In addition to this, we will also be looking at 3 digit multiples of 50 and 100.

We have been continuing to develop our note-taking skills by learning all about Viking farmers. The children have been trying really hard to include amazing compound and complex sentences into their super rainbow paragraphs. Why not ask your child to write a complex sentence for you?

In topic this week, the children have taken on the roles of Viking women, and craftsmen, in order to create some super DT outcomes. We have been learning how to weave with wool, which takes a lot of concentration and hard work - something that the children have proven to be great at! Next week we will be continuing this, alongside learning how to make moving images! How exciting!

Important notices
As you know The Big Draw is coming to Robin Hood on Monday 3rd October, which we are all very excited for! Please remember to send your child into school with an old shirt, and ensure they have socks on with their shoes. On Tuesday 4th October, we are having a community event which you are invited to attend to view your child's art work. You will also have the opportunity to make a small donation if you would like to take some art work home (just like a proper art gallery).

We are beginning to use iPods and iPads across the school. If you have one of these devices at home, here are some apps the children will enjoy playing to help develop their numeracy and literacy skills:

- PopMath
- TimesTables
- Wipeout
- Mr Thorne does Phonics
- Word Wizard

UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup
· Thank you to those parents and carers who attended the Robinwood information meeting on Wednesday evening, during which key dates and information about the Year 6 visit to the centre next year were shared. All deposits for the trip must be returned to school by Friday 21st October. Please note that this is a non-refundable deposit. If you were unable to attend the meeting then your child should have brought home a letter and information booklet. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
· A BIG reminder about the BIG draw which is happening on Monday. We are going to be getting very arty and creative for the entire day. Children will need to wear their normal school uniform. However, we do recommend that they bring an old shirt as some of the activities could get quite ‘messy’. Please don't forget to come into school at 3:15 on Tuesday 4th October to view the magnificent outcomes from The Big Draw day. We will be encouraging parents to "buy" their children's artwork as they will behave as real artists on Monday and this will add to excitement and authenticity of this.

Numeracy: This week we have been looking at calculating percentages. Next week we will continue to look at percentages and how they relate to fractions. We will be calculating fractions of amounts and will then look at simplifying fractions as well as improper and whole number fractions. To get a head start, why not havea look at the following websites:
There's also lots of games and quizzes at to practise different aspects of Numeracy
Home learning: Please continue to practise your 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables as well as other number facts (e.g. number bonds to 100, 1000, etc). Any additional resources related to specific strategies will be provided for those who wish to practise at home. These resources are NOT compulsory; however we hope that children will choose to use these to help them with their understanding of the units of work.

Next week in Literacy, we will be continuing our research and writing about iconic American actors: Clint Eastwood, Judy Garland, Tom Hanks and Miley Cyrus. The children will be organising their information about each individual and then writing a detailed paragraph ensuring they include all of our Star Criteria. We will also be focusing on making links between our paragraphs as well as within paragraphs.
Home Learning: This week’s spellings are linked to our focus on science: sound, vibration, audio, pitch, volume, auditory, loudness, sound, instrument, hearing. You can practise these spellings via I Am Learning on the Learning Platform. Please see Miss Darroch if you have forgotten your user name or password.

Other areas of the curriculum:
In Science we have been learning about how we see and what our eyes look like. We have also been investigating what happens to a beam of light when it is reflected in a mirror.
In Reading we have been continuing to work through our class novel, Stormbreaker. We have identified the main character, fourteen year-old Alex, and have begun to find out how his life is about to change as he enters the world of spies and villains.
In Spanish we have been learning about the family. Next week we will be learning how to describe our family members.

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Wednesday 28 September 2011

issue 1 2011-12

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to the first newsletter of the school year. It is brilliant to see all of the bright, shining faces, ready for another year of powerful learning at Robin Hood.

Along with your child’s phase newsletter, these will be the final newsletters produced en-masse in paper form. As of next week, newsletters will be posted to our school website blog.

Parent Meetings
We look forward to welcoming you next week and sharing key information for the year ahead at our Parent Meetings.

Lower KS2 (Y3/4): 2.40pm – 3.10pm, Tues 13th Sep
Upper KS2 (Y5/6): 3.20pm – 3.50pm, Tues 13th Sep
KS1 (Y1/2): 2.30pm – 3.00pm, Weds 14th Sep

The meetings will all take place in your child’s classroom. Please make every effort to attend. Your support and our partnership is a key strength of our school and community, one that best enables our child’s learning.

Thank you
I would like to say an enormous thank you to Mr Reynolds and our Summer Team for the very hard work that they have put in throughout the summer. This is vitally important work that should never be allowed to go ‘under the radar’. The fact that we have such a fabulous learning environment of which we can all be proud is entirely down to the hard work of Mr Reynolds and the entire team at Robin Hood.

I’m sure that you have noticed many of the developments, upgrades and enhancements that have taken place during the summer. Our commitment to providing a World Class learning environment for our children remains as strong as ever. I’m sure you will notice more developments when you are in school for our Parent Meetings next week.

Friendly Faces
Friendly Faces have had a terrific summer of fun… and it has been great to see the team working so brilliantly with our children. Very few spaces at Friendly Faces remain for weekdays. School Holiday and Training Day availability remain open at this time. Please contact Louise Parker for more information or to book, either at Friendly Faces or on 07810071148.

Key Dates
Week commencing 17th Oct – Parent Consultations Week
Fri 21 Oct – Harvest Festival Celebration at Lofthouse Church
Wed 16 Nov – Year 34 Residential
Fri 16 Dec – Christmas Service at Lofthouse Church (am) Carols Around the Tree (pm)
Tue 3 Jan 2012 – Training Day
Thu 22 Mar – ‘The Robins’ Awards
Week commencing 26th Mar ’12 – Parent Consultations Week
Fri 30 Mar ’12 – Easter Service at Lofthouse Church
Mon 16 Apr ’12 – Training Day
Week commencing 14 May ’12 – Year 6 SATs Week
Thu 31 May ’12 – New Reception Parents Meeting
Fri 1 Jun ’12 – New Nursery Parents Open Day
Mon 11 Jun ’12 – Year 6 Residential
Fri 6 Jul ’12 – Training Day
Mon 9 Jul ’12 – Sports Day
Thu 19 Jul ’12 - Golden Day
Fri 20 Jul ’12 – Talent Show
Mon 23 Jul ’12 – Leavers Assembly

Celebration Fridays
Our Celebration Fridays will take place this year on or close to the final Friday of each Half Term for every Year Group. Celebration Fridays are a fantastic opportunity for you to share your child’s learning from the Half Term. Nursery Parents whose children stay for the front part of the week will have their Celebration Evening opportunity on a Tuesday in the same week as the Celebration Friday. Precise dates will be in next week’s newsletter. Look out for dates specific to your child’s phase in school in upcoming newsletters.

Electronic Newsletter
Future newsletters will be published in electronic format. In order to ensure that you are up to date with information, dates, etc, please follow the newsletter blog or give your email address to Mrs Smith in order that we can mail the newsletter to you direct. Please do let us know if you do not have access to a computer to receive the e-newsletter or wish to continue to receive it in paper form via Pupil Post.

It’s great to welcome you back and I look forward to another outstanding year at our outstanding school,
Mr Wilson

Friday 23 September 2011

Issue 3 2011-12

Newsletter Issue 3
Friday 23rd September 2011

Dear Parent/Carer,

Parent Forum

I am delighted to announce that our Governing Body are keen to launch a regular opportunity for our parents to meet with them to share a coffee and discuss school matters at a Parent Forum, the first of which will take place from 9.00am on Friday 4th November in the Friendly Faces building. Mrs Ann Parker, Governor, will be accompanied by our Deputy Headteacher Mrs Dale. The Parent Forum is designed as yet another way for our parents to be active participants in the life of our school by providing yet another avenue for dialogue between you and the school.


We have had an enormous response to our Clubs offers. Club notifications are coming home today. Most Clubs begin next week – please check the start date for your child’s Club. Some Clubs are suspended for the week after – due to the large contingent of staff that we are sending to meet with our European partners and learn about schools in the Czech Republic. Again, please make a note and make the necessary arrangements if your child’s Club is affected that week. Clubs are provided voluntarily by our staff – we are very fortunate to have such a hard working and dedicated staff. Please ensure that staff are notified if your child will have a scheduled absence from a Club and please ensure that your child is collected on time from his/her Club.

There are still a few spaces remaining on Thursday 3.15-4.15 for Beginner Guitar Lessons. Anyone interested, please see Mrs Dale.

Dates for the year

Our second half of the week Nursery Parents have their Celebration Event on:

Thu 6th October, Thu 8th December, Thu 29th March, Thu 24nd May, Thu 12th July

The Big Draw takes place on Monday 3rd October. We will be opening our doors as The Robin Hood Gallery of Art from 3:15p.m on Tuesday 4th October. We hope that you will be able to join us to view the wonderful outpouring of creativity that we expect. There will even be the chance to purchase some of the Art treasures on display.

Robin Hood’s Got Talent

We want to encourage as many children as possible to put themselves forward for our fantastic Robin Hood’s Got Talent. Please help us and help your child by ensuring that the songs they choose for audition are appropriate and do not contain ‘adult’ themes and references.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Mr Wilson

Nursery newsletter Autumn 1 week 3

Well done to everybody for another fabulous week in Nursery. The children are becoming really confident in their new surroundings! As the weather is getting a bit damper, please make sure you send your child with a waterproof coat every day as we will be taking full advantage of our fabulous outdoor provision.

Please have a look at our Nursery blog at

This week
The children have been sharing information and photographs with their friends, talking about their family members and have created some beautiful frames to put around their photographs. They have also been exploring the natural environment and have produced some stunning Autumn printing which is currently displayed in Nursery. Please do take a look! In numeracy we have been practising counting and using numbers to help us play games and share the toys. Please do encourage your child to count at home too, e.g when walking down steps putting on shoes, fastening buttons etc.

Next week
The children will be finding out more about the different body parts and will be learning songs and ring games to help identify where they are! We will be sharing some 'Funnybones' stories and clips and creating our very own moving bodies! In our number sessions we will continue to practice counting as well as collecting data about eye colour which we will then be putting into pictograms. We will be using an ICT programme to produce our finished outcomes.

How you can help us
Please ensure your child completes the home learning task and brings into school on Monday morning / Wednesday afternoon. This week it is to create a simple family tree (as far as grandparents) We also ask for your support in reading with your child at home sharing stories everyday. Please refere to your childs reading record for hepful tips. Thank you.
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Reception newsletter Autumn 1 week 3

Well done to everybody for another super week in Reception. The children are writing with us every day so please ask them to show you how fabulous they are.
As the weather is getting a bit damper, please make sure you send your child with a waterproof coat every day as we will be taking full advantage of our fabulous outdoor provision.

Please have a look at our Reception blog at:

This week
The children have been sharing information and photographs with their friends, talking about their family members and creating super zig-zag books. They have even been recorded on the dictaphone by Miss Johal and some of their comments appear on our blog. In numeracy we have been practising counting in 1's, 2's and 5's as well as number spotting in the environment. Please practice counting to ten and back with your child every day!

Next week
The children will be finding out more about the different body parts and we will be using our phonic knowledge to help us label them correctly using the initial sounds (eg 'l' for leg and 'h' for head). We will be sharing some 'Funnybones' stories and clips and will be writing about what we have found out. In our number sessions we will continue to practice counting as well as collecting data about eye colour which we will then be putting into pictograms. We will be using an ICT programme to produce our finished outcomes.

How you can help us
Please ensure your child completes the home learning task and brings into school on Monday morning. This week it is to create a simple family tree and we would like the children to write the initial sounds themselves. We also ask for your support in reading with your child and spending five minutes practising the sounds of the week and the keyword flashcards we have sent home every day. Thank you.

Sounds of the week
these are c and g
Keywords of the week are: of, off, can, on, is, it
Tricky words for this half term are: no, go, the, I, into, to

KS1 News
It's been another fantastic week in Key Stage one! The children have been enthusiastic towards all of their learning, which has included making their own Flanimal and showing off their map reading skills! The Key Stage One staff would like to say thank you to all of the parents/carers who are ensuring their children come to school with their reading records on a Monday morning. We can see all the wonderful reading and other learning the children are doing at home and it has been great to read such positive comments! We will be using the reading records to record the spellings for each week. Please support you child in continuing to use these words in their learning at home.

This week the children have been very enthusiastic learning about and making their own Flanimals! Their creations have been fantastic and have allowed the children to produce outstanding booklets. They have included sections such as, describing their appeareance, who their family and friends are, what their hobbies are and what they like to eat.
Next week the children will be starting a two week piece of learning all about why it is important to be healthy. They will be understanding all about the different food groups; fats, fruit and vegetables, protein and carbohydrates. At the end of the two weeks they will be creating their own healthy eating booklet. Please support your child when they are eating to talk about what foods they are and why they may be good or bad for them. A useful website you may want to look at it is§ionId=37&contentId=55

This week in Numeracy the children have been learning all about different sequences. They have looked at sequences in 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's and have been describing patterns in the numbers. The sequences have not only been forwards, but backwards and had missing numbers! The children should be very proud of their efforts as these are very difficult concepts to grasp. Well done to you all! Take a look and see how fantastic your children are!
Next week the children will be using lots of maltesers! They will learning about place value and ordering numbers. To help your children with the understanding of place value, one small packet of maltesers is labelled as one ten, so if they have four packets of maltesers, they will have four tens. Please ask your child about this system next week and see how they explain it to you!

This week in Topic the children have been developing their map reading skills. This has ranged from understanding 'birds eye views' and what different symbols and colours mean on a map. The children have also navigated themselves around school and created their own 'virtual tour'. Watch out for these on the blog!
Next week the children will be learning all about Rothwell! They will be visiting Morrisons, where they will be able to see the fishmongers and bakery. They will also take a short walk in the centre and look and see what parts of Rothwell are new and what parts of it are old. It is an action packed week and we are sure the children will really enjoy it!

LKS2 Newsletter
We are very proud of everyone in year 3/4 for yet another full week of fabulous learning. Well done to everyone who brought their reading record in on Monday, it was lovely to reward all the children for their home learning!

This week we have been practicing our note taking skills whilst finding lots of information out about the vikings from many different resources. We have been using these notes to write super rainbow paragraphs including many different features to entice our reader. Next week we are continuing to entice our readers by adding lots of text effects to our writing and extending our ideas into compound and complex sentences.

The children have been super mathematicians this week ordering both negative and positive numbers. We have also been finding the patterns in different number sequences and continuing them. We had lots of fun solving the Fibonacci sequence. Why not ask your child to explain this to you? Next week we are looking at rounding different two, three and four digit numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand.

This week we have been creating amazing displays in our classrooms to show off our scientific knowledge of thermal insulators and conductors. We were blown away by the children's explanations of how to keep things warm or cold.

Next week we are beginning Viking weaving and creating some Viking moving pictures using linkages and levers. We are looking forward to showing you all our fantastic outcomes at our next Friday celebration!

Important notices
As our Danelaw Viking trip is fast approaching please can you ensure that you have returned conformation and payment so that your child is able to attend. Thank you to everyone who has already done so.

Please can you ensure your child has their PE kit in school every week. Miss Thackeray's and Miss Nicholls' PE session is every Tuesday and Mrs Moores' is on a Thursday.

Have a great weekend from the 3/4 team!

UKS2 Newsletter

News Roundup

· A BIG well done to those children who have made a real effort with their reading since the start of term. We really do appreciate the commitment that both children and parents put in at home and it has been a joy to read so many positive and detailed comments. We hope this will continue for the rest of the year.

· There will be an information meeting for Year 6 parents and carers about the residential to Robinwood in Cumbria next year at 5:30pm on Wednesday 28th September

· Next week our topic sessions will focus on the Science unit of Sight and Sound. We will be carrying out our own investigations as well as finding out about how we see and hear. Could we please ask for any cuboid juice cartons or boxes to be sent into school, as we will be using them to make a device to help us see? Thank you.


Next week we will be applying our knowledge of addition and subtraction to real life situations involving calculating percentages. We will be increasing and decreasing values by varying percentages as well as continuing to develop our mental strategies. To get a head start, why not have a look at the following website:

Home learning: please continue to practise your 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables as well as other number facts (e.g. number bonds to 100, 1000, etc). Any additional resources related to specific strategies will be provided for those who wish to practise at home. These resources are NOT compulsory; however we hope that children will choose to use these to help them with their understanding of the units of work.


Next week in Literacy, we will be using a variety of resources (including websites, biographies and film clips) to research and write about four famous American film stars. These will include: Clint Eastwood, Judy Garland, Tom Hanks and Miley Cyrus, who are all famous for varying reasons. The children will be organising their information about each individual and then writing a detailed paragraph ensuring they include all of our Star Criteria from the last 2 weeks. We will also be focussing on making links between our paragraphs as well as within paragraphs.

Home Learning: This week’s spellings are linked to our focus on science: investigate, instructions, information, vision, optician, transparent, opaque, translucent, reflection, science.

Other areas of the curriculum:

In Topic, we’ve been finding out about the troubles faced by Native Americans in 1607 when Captain John Smith sailed the Atlantic in search of new land for English settlers. We have also begun to look at the excitement of the Great Oklahoma land rush of 1893. Did you know that some people even rode bicycles to try and stake their claim on a piece of American land?

In PE, we have continued to develop our street dance, line dance and rock and roll dance routines. We will be showing some of these performances in a celebration assembly very soon.

In ICT we have been looking at the artistic collages of American Artist, Robert Rauschenberg. We have begun to collect our own American images and will be creating a ‘moving collage’ using Smart Notebook.

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Thursday 15 September 2011

Issue 2 2011-12

Newsletter Issue 2 Friday 16th September 2011

Dear Parent/Carer,
Our newsletters are now online at

Parent Meetings
My thanks to those parents who attended our Welcome meetings this week. Our effective partnership is crucial to your child’s success in school.

Dates for the year
Celebration Fridays – your invite into our classrooms after school to share the fabulous learning from that Half Term take place this year on Friday:

7th October
9th December
30th March
25th May
13th July

Our first half of the week Nursery Parents have their Celebration Event on:
Tue 4th October
Tue 6th December
Tue 27th March
Tue 22nd May
Tue 10th July

Decorate an Egg
Our Easter Decorate an Egg Final takes place on Friday 30th March. Decorated eggs will be welcome into school from the Monday, 26th March. A display of all of our Eggs will be held in the Mall.

The Big Draw
We are looking forward to The Big Draw event, which will take place on Monday 3rd October. Everyone will be involved in drawing activities all day… including creating an enormous artwork in our Hall. We will be hosting an Open Event for parents and families on Tuesday 4th October to celebrate our incredible artistic creations.

An enormous ‘Get Well Soon’ to Thomas from everyone at the school.
Have a great weekend,
Mr Wilson

News round up
We have had another amazing week in Reception. The children have coped well with full days and have made the most of our fabulous indoor and outdoor provision.
If you haven’t had chance to look at our blog, please do and see what amazing things have been happening – you can find it at:
This week
The children have continued to amaze us with their enthusiasm and energy levels. They have participated in guided reading, literacy and daily numeracy sessions. We have shared books, talked about our own favourite books and characters, illustrating them and giving reasons for our choices. In maths we have been practising our counting and have helped our puppet who kept going wrong! The children have also enjoyed PSE, music and PE sessions as well as assembly attending a key stage singing assembly. Phew!
Next week
Please make sure your child brings a family photograph (which we will copy and return) and up to three things which are special to them in a named bag. We will be sharing these in our PSE session next week and asking the children to talk about why these things are special. The children will use the family photographs as a stimulus for some of their own artwork and we will be finding out about more family members by sharing stories and discussing why our families are special. In our numeracy sessions we will be continuing to count in 2’s and 10s and we will be looking at a range of simple 2D shapes, discussing their properties and using them to make pictures of our homes.
How you can help us!
Please continue to make sure that your child practices their reading at home for five minutes every day and record this in the reading record, letting us know their successes and development points. Regular practice really does make a difference! We would also like all children to be able to write their name using the correct sequence of movements so please practice this every day too. This week we have kept the same five keywords (which will change next week) along with the tricky words of the half term. Please spend some time reading and writing these words as we will be using these words in our guided reading and literacy time. This will provide your child with the confidence to achieve during the school day.
· p
· m
· o
Children should be able to write all these sounds using the correct sequence of movements.
Key words
These are words that the children will come across in their reading and they need to be able to read them quickly and confidently as well as write them using the correct sequence of movements.
· a
· as
· at
· if
· in

Tricky words of the half term
These are words which cannot be sounded out and the children need to read them on sight. Practice little and often!!
· no
· go
· the
· I
· into
· to

KS1 Newsletter
What an amazing week KS1 have had, from Zumba moves to learning about the internal organs! The KS1 staff are also very proud of the writing the children have done 'All About Ourselves', they tried extremely hard and it is hard to believe they have only been back in school 8 days!!

A reminder that all reading record need to be handed in on Monday to ensure your child continues to earn 100 merits and a certificate at the end of the half term! This also continues to develop the home-school link and support your child's reading at home.

Thank you to all the parents who attended the parent meetings on Wednesday! We hope you found the information given useful, any further questions please speak to a member of the team.

This week the children have concluded their writing 'All about me....' where they wrote an opening paragraph which included their name and age. The children continued to write sections (paragraphs) about themselves, including their family, hobbies, friends and concluded their writing with a closing paragraph. The children have tried hard to start with a CAPITAL letter, end with a full stop and leave clear finger spaces. They have looked at developing their ideas using connectives such as: and, so, if, but, because.

Next week the children will be looking at Flanimals (nonsense creatures) and creating their own Flanimal out of Playdoh. The children will then continue by creating a profile for their flanimal, building on this weeks learning, creating a section on family, friends and their hobbies. Why not support your child over the weekend by research Flanimals on the Internet and in books....

This week in Numeracy the children have tried so hard with their counting skills, counting in 1's from any number, counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. Please continue to support your child's rote counting at home. The children have also looked at odd and even numbers and how they can use counters to investigate and find out if a number is odd or even. Ask your child if they can sing the 'Even Stephen and Odd Bodd' song to's very catchy so you may find yourself singing it all day long!!!!

Next week the children will continue to develop their rote counting but also write the sequences down, discussing the pattern when counting in 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's. The children will also look at finding missing numbers within a sequence and explaining how they solved the problem. To round up the week the children will move into estimating and rounding.
Estimating is having a 'good guess' at how many of something they think are there. Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 is always challenging to understand so please support your child at home by giving them a 2 digit number and asking them to round it. The song the children will learn is...... '1, 2, 3, 4, round it down to the ten before, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 round it up to the next ten on the number line.

This week in topic the children have concluded their Science unit on the Human Body. They have continued to develop their understanding of the Internal Organs and place the heart, liver, stomach, large intestines, brain, lungs and kidneys on a large paper model. The children have also discussed the effect of exercise on the body and how the body cools sweating!

Next week the children will be looking at the geographical location of Rothwell and Robin Hood, locating it on a map and discussing how the population has increased over recent years and the possible reasons for this. They will be looking at photos of the housing types in the local area (terraced house, bungalow, detached, semi-detaches, flats) and then discussing the differences.

What a fantastic week we have had in 3/4. We are so proud of ALL the children for their mature and enthusiastic approach towards their learning. Lots of children have visited Mr Wilson for Headteacher stickers, which is fantastic! The year three children have learnt our routines quickly and we're very proud of the year four children for being super role models. This is a great start to the year!

This week we have begun our Non-Chronological Report unit. We have begun researching HOW the Vikings travelled to new lands, using Longships. The children have been developing their note-taking skills through the use of audio, videos and written texts. We have used these notes to compose a "Rainbow" paragraph. Why not ask your child to see if they can remember the different sections that they have included in their writing this week. Next week we will be researching WHAT the Vikings dd when they arrived in England.

This week, the children have been working super hard at partitioning two, three, four, five and six (!!) digit numbers. We have also been ordering numbers (including those with decimals) and finding the range of a set of figures. Next week we are counting and using money to solve real life problems. To practice your money skills, please visit the learning zone on the website over the weekend.

In Science this week we have been learning about keeping warm and cool. The children have been fantastic at leading their own investigation into which material is the best to keep the Viking's broth warmer for longer. Why not ask your child if they can remember what the best thermal insulator was? Next week, the children will be applying the knowledge learned this week into some display work- we can't wait to see what fabulous outcomes we'll have!

Home Learning
We have been blown away by the amount of reading the children are doing at home and have been very pleased to give put lots of merits for this! Please encourage your child to read as much as they can and bring in their reading record every Monday to get stamped. Your child has received their ten spellings. We're sure you've been practicing them already. Our spelling test will be on Monday.

During Spanish lessons your child is learning the Spanish vocabulary for family members. Please could they bring any photographs of your family for them to stick into their books.

Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school every Monday for the coming week and all school uniform is clearly labelled.

LKS2 Newsletter
What a fantastic week we have had in 3/4. We are so proud of ALL the children for their mature and enthusiastic approach towards their learning. Lots of children have visited Mr Wilson for Headteacher stickers, which is fantastic! The year three children have learnt our routines quickly and we're very proud of the year four children for being super role models. This is a great start to the year!

This week we have begun our Non-Chronological Report unit. We have begun researching HOW the Vikings travelled to new lands, using Longships. The children have been developing their note-taking skills through the use of audio, videos and written texts. We have used these notes to compose a "Rainbow" paragraph. Why not ask your child to see if they can remember the different sections that they have included in their writing this week. Next week we will be researching WHAT the Vikings dd when they arrived in England.

This week, the children have been working super hard at partitioning two, three, four, five and six (!!) digit numbers. We have also been ordering numbers (including those with decimals) and finding the range of a set of figures. Next week we are counting and using money to solve real life problems. To practice your money skills, please visit the learning zone on the website over the weekend.

In Science this week we have been learning about keeping warm and cool. The children have been fantastic at leading their own investigation into which material is the best to keep the Viking's broth warmer for longer. Why not ask your child if they can remember what the best thermal insulator was? Next week, the children will be applying the knowledge learned this week into some display work- we can't wait to see what fabulous outcomes we'll have!

Home Learning
We have been blown away by the amount of reading the children are doing at home and have been very pleased to give put lots of merits for this! Please encourage your child to read as much as they can and bring in their reading record every Monday to get stamped. Your child has received their ten spellings. We're sure you've been practicing them already. Our spelling test will be on Monday.

During Spanish lessons your child is learning the Spanish vocabulary for family members. Please could they bring any photographs of your family for them to stick into their books.

Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school every Monday for the coming week and all school uniform is clearly labelled.

UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup
· Thank you to parents and carers who attended the welcome meetings this week. During these, we shared Numeracy resources including iPod apps which can be used to support learning at home. These include Math Ninja, Pop Math, Multiple Wipeout and Eggs on Legs.
· PE for 5/6B is on Tuesday. 5/6D and 5/6G have PE on Thursday. Please make sure that PE kits are in school on these days.
· There will be an information meeting for Year 6 parents and carers about the residential to Robinwood in Cumbria next year at 5:30pm on Wednesday 28th September.
· We will be starting our science unit of ‘sight and sound’ in a couple of weeks and will be getting creative. If you have any old cardboard juice cartons please could you wash them out and send them into school with your child? Thank you.

Next week in Numeracy, we will be learning about addition and subtraction of decimals in the form of algebraic equations as well as finding the averages of data using mean, mode, median and range with a Universal Studios theme to link with our America Topic unit. We will also be continuing to develop our mental strategies when adding, subtracting and finding the difference.

Home Learning: To practice 6,7,8 and 9 x tables as well as any others specified by your teacher.
Why not visit:
Or if you have an iphone / itouch, download some of the following apps:
‘Ghostblasters’ or ‘Multiple Wipeout’

Next week in Literacy, we will be using film clips to learn about the Titanic disaster from film clips and using our knowledge to write a non-chronological report about this event. Into this, we’ll be incorporating adverbs, connectives and complex sentences. There are LOTS of film clips to watch about this historical event at (search for Titanic).

Home Learning: This week’s spellings are linked to our focus on Titanic: passenger, journey, voyage, orchestra, ocean, captain, dangerous, illuminate, helplessness, unforgettable

Other areas of the curriculum:
In Topic, we’ve been creating collages which represent the landscape of America as well as famous landmarks. We’ve also been learning about the discovery of America.

In PE, our focus is dance. 5/6D are learning rock and roll moves. 5/6G are focusing on Street dance and 5/6B are learning how to line dance.

Our focus in RE is pilgrimage. We’ve been learning about the 5th Pillar of Islam (Haj) and the pilgrimage that many Muslims make to Mecca as well as the customs that take place when they are there.

In Music, 5/6D are using Garageband to mash tracks using a range of techniques including splitting, copying and pasting. 5/6B have been learning to sing popular songs using sign language and 5/6G have been learning how to play the Titanic movie theme tune on the recorder!


Visit our Blogs! 5/6G