Friday 30 March 2012

Issue 26 2011-12

Newsletter Issue 26

Friday 30th March 2012

Dear Parent/Carer,

Golden Owls
We had a super time at The Golden Owls Awards, held at Leeds Town Hall last night.  Our film entrants and finalists had a fabulous time, along with teachers and parents, at what was a very glitzy event that featured red carpet and giant golden Oscar statues.  Robin Hood did incredibly well in having a film in each of the Primary School age categories… making the shortlist of three in each case.  We were not fortune enough to win an Award but the important thing certainly was the taking part and the experience of the awards ceremony for our young filmmakers and their families.  My thanks to Mrs Moore, the inspiration behind our involvement in the Awards, and my thanks to everyone who has been involved this year.  Mrs Moore is already plotting next year’s entries…

Easter Events
My thanks to everyone who attended our Easter Service today and to everyone who contributed to our Decorate An Egg competition.  It is lovely to end the term with a Celebration Friday event.  It is important that we share the fabulous learning that has been going on throughout school since Christmas.  I am certain that everyone who came to our Celebration Friday was suitably impressed with not only their own child’s learning, but the evidence of incredible learning that is on display throughout school.  Thank you to all parents for supporting our Parent Consultations this week.  Effective partnership between us is the key to your child achieving well in school.

We say goodbye today to Miss Oxley and to Emma Ward.  We have had the pleasure of Emma working with us for the past couple of years.  Emma is, of course, an ex-pupil at Robin Hood.  I am delighted that we have been able to support her later in gaining valuable experience and help prepare her for the world of work.  Miss Oxley leaves us today to take up a new post with Wakefield Children’s Services.  Both Miss Oxley and Emma go with our thanks and best wishes.

Training Day
Just a reminder that the first day back after Easter is a staff Training Day.  Children return to school on Tuesday.

Have a fantastic Easter,
Mr Wilson

Nursery Newsletter

Thank you so much for the support you have shown over the last half term with your child’s learning. We were very proud to be able to share with you the children’s successes at our Parent Consultation Open Evening on Tuesday. Thanks you to everyone who came along.

We have rounded off our topic on Traditional Tales with the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children have very much enjoyed the stories and have shown a great enthusiasm for reading. We have also been learning about the Celebration of Easter and the children have made their very own gifts and cards to share with you.
Within number we have been revisiting our counting out skills, and begun to learn how to write numbers.

The children will begin a new topic “Island Life” We will begin our adventures being Pirates, setting sail across the seven seas!! For the first week back we are asking that the children come dressed as pirates to really set the atmosphere for our learning!

Within number the children will be working with shapes, naming them, describing the properties and building pictures with them.

 How you can help us
·         Practise counting objects, saying the number name for each, and point out numbers in the environment.
·         Build your child’s awareness of the alphabet, naming and sounding out the letters, alongside writing them and thinking of words that start with that sound.   
·         Continue sharing stories over the holidays, pointing to the words and talking about the pictures events and character feelings.
·         Keep practising writing your child’s name, concentrating on letter formation.

Many thanks for your continued support

Have a wonderful Easter holiday.

Miss Bradshaw and the Nursery team

This week we have had another amazing week in Reception. It was lovely to see you all at parent's consultations and to share all the amazing learning that has been happening! The weather has also been fantastic and all the staff have been volunteering to join the children in their outdoor learning!
We break up this Friday and the children are back at school on Tuesday 17th April.

We have finished off our Traditional Tales topic by sharing the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children have made fabulous puppet theatres and used their own props and puppets to retell the story to an audience. We have been thrilled at their use of story language and connectives as well as the way they are using their voice to portray different characters. Well done.

We will be learning about Pirates and our topic starts with four whole days of dress up! Please come in your pirate costume during that first week rather than school uniform but please leave knives and daggers at home - thank you. We are hoping to transform the classroom ahead of the children's return so that they can totally immerse themselves in their learning. If you have any pirate books, DVD's, games or jigsaw puzzles that we can use to enhance the children's learning, please send them in when your child comes back to school. Thank you.

  • by completing the home learning task over the Easter holidays
  • by continuing to read with your child every day and to read and write the keywords and tricky words we have been learning (see home learning)
  • by coming back to school wearing a pirate costume
  • by bringing in a small plastic screw top bottle that we can use to send a message in
  • by saving your boxes, cartons and newspaper for our junk modelling activities
  • by checking the blog over the holidays for any new ideas and information
Have a wonderful Easter and thank your for all your amazing support!

KS1 Newsletter

What an amazing week this has been and a fantastic way to round up a brilliant topic.  The week started off with the children coming in dressed as Business people, they were eager to show off their ties, handbags, brief cases and mobile phones (which we stressed needed to be turned off at all times!).  The week also started with the outstanding Home Learning being handed in which showed how creative our children are. A huge thank You to all Parent/Carers who have supported us this half term in sending their children dressed up and creating an amazing learning atmosphere.
It has also been a sad week with today being Miss Oxley’s last day. Miss Oxley has worked so hard and will truly be missed.  Miss Snowden will become the Year 1 teacher and is very excited and keen to get started.

Monday morning started with Miss Oxley leading the Key Stage 1 Assembly, instead of Miss Lambert, who shared her experiences of her time at Robin Hood.  When the time came for the children to go back to class Miss Mees decided to have a leaving party for Miss Oxley.  They were under strict instructions not to tell Miss Hinton (who apparently would not approve).  The children had to walk quietly down to their classroom then army crawl back to the hall to have the party.  However, Miss Hinton knows everything and was soon in the hall telling the adults how disappointed she was with their choice to go off curriculum and they must get back to class.  The children were quick to tell her it was Miss Mees’ fault and that she suggested they have the party.  Miss Hinton asked the children to write a report about what happened in order to find out all the facts.  The children have been fantastically descriptive and developed their paragraphs very well.
Next half term the children will be writing their own stories for our narrative block, they will be reading and watching the Disney films, Alice in Wonderland, Cars and UP.  Across the half term the children will be introduced to the story mountain which includes writing an Opening (introducing the character and setting), Build up/Problem, Climax, Resolution and Ending.  They will be introduced to story specific language such as ‘Once upon a time…’ ‘One warm, sunny morning…’ and how to use speech marks around spoken language.  Over the holiday please support your child in reading lots and discussing the use of spoken language, speech marks, text effects (bold text, CAPITALIZATION, …….., !!!) and how these affect the way the story is read.

This week in Numeracy the children have been continuing to develop their understanding of solving multiplication and division word problems. They have also been practising their doubling and halving skills of numbers, even up to the hundreds and thousands! These problems have included missing numbers (? X 5 = 40), having the answer and deciding the number sentence (Your answer is 50. What could be the problem?) and continuing to decide what operation needs to be used (multiplication or division) to solve the problem. The children have worked extremely hard on this unit and should be proud of their achievements!
Next half term the children will start by continuing to develop their understanding of word problems. This will include time spent on money problems and then learning about measure; capacity, weight and length. They will also continue to develop their skills of doubling, halving and times tables facts. The children have become very confident with X2, X5 and X10 so why not start looking at X3, X4 and even X6, X7 and X8! This unit of work will allow for many practical activities, so why not get making fruit cocktails (measuring in mls) making some buns (weighing in grams and kilograms) or measuring heights or lengths (in cms)

Key Stage One would like to say a huge well done and thank you for your support over the half term. It was lovely to be able to reflect on this years learning at Parent's consultations and talk about how much the children have achieved. Your children are all stars!

Have a relaxing and fun half term!
The Key Stage One Team

LKS2 Newsletter

This week the children have been collaborating within a group to present their learning about "World Mysteries". Throughout the half term the children have explored many different mysteries and we were amazed by the variety of ways in which they presented their ideas. The children used ICT presentations, Drama, Artwork, Games and other engaging methods to teach their classes many fabulous facts!

This afternoon we performed our Easter Service. The children used their beautiful artwork, that was created during RE sessions, and performed a variety of poems and songs to retell the Easter story. We loved the confident way in which the children displayed their learning.

We will be showcasing this fabulous learning on our NEW class blog. 

The week we have recapped the written methods for mulitplication and division, as the children have been finding and un-finding area of shapes.
Here are some websites to encourage your children to learn their times tables at home: (TNT Tables - an addictive activity to practise times tables) (Mad 4 Maths - times table games for x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 and x8)

Next half term, we will be looking at fractions, time, and shape and space. We would appreciate it if you could spend time with your child over the holidays and check that they can tell the time to the hour and half past the hour.

In Literacy this week, the children have published their favourite newspaper article from the last half term. The children have also used their time working collaboratively within a group to present ideas about their favourite "World Mystery".

Next half term, we will be using Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes as our stimulus for writing. We are exciting about the creative writing this will stimulate.

The next Swimming session will take place on 27th April. Please ensure that your PE kit is in school EVERYDAY as due to Educational Visits, PE sessions may need to be re-arranged.

Have a Happy Easter

Year 3/4 Team

UKS2 News Roundup:

·         Our Achiever this week is Erin Surtees, for her fantastic effort when using figurative language and punctuation in her story of Mercedes. Well done, Erin!

  • Wow! What a very busy half term we've had! Our topic on Japan has been a great success. We've had the opportunity to read letters from children in Japan as well as sample some traditional Japanese snacks. We welcomed two visitors from Japan to our classrooms and had the opportunity to ask them questions about their life. We've followed instructions to make origami, created super animations of Japanese gadgets, painted plates based on artwork by Hokusai and designed kimonos. Thank you to Mrs Holland for her super sewing machine skills to help assemble these! The mall has also been brightened by our colourful Japanese flying fish. Have a look up when you walk down the mall... they're amazing!

  • All three classes have now visited Wagamama’s in Leeds city centre, as part of our learning about Japan. During the visit, the children were given a tour of the restaurant, made some fresh fruit juices and were shown by a chef the range of ingredients which go into the dishes. Some very tasty noodles were then served and eaten before we left the restaurant with our goody bags! We would like to take this opportunity to thank the children for their impressive and superb behaviour whilst on the visit to and from the city centre – you were truly wonderful representatives of our school. Well done!
  • Year 6: Children have a SATS pack to complete over the Easter holidays. SATs week begins on Monday 14th May. Please return any Robin Wood personal information forms to school as soon as possible to enable us to continue our preparations for the residential in June. Thank you.
  • Year 5: Children have been given a numeracy pack, containing information and activities based around our learning during the first 2 weeks back (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Please take some time to share this with your child and support them with the activities.
  • This week in Numeracy, we have been focusing on fractions and percentages and applying our knowledge to solve problems.
  • Home Learning: We've held our Times Tables Challenge for this half term. It's always super to see new faces reaching the grand final and to see the children's score improving across the half terms. Why not use the Easter holidays to continue learning your times tables? Remember, there are now two very large, shiny trophies up for grabs- one for Year 5 and one for Year 6! This website has LOTS of interactive games available to practice! A thorough knowledge of times tables is extremely important as they help 'unlock' lots of other concepts in Numeracy.
  • This week, we've been redrafting our most successful paragraphs from our stories about Mercedes to create a class compilation for parents and carers.
  • Practise your punctuation, especially capital letters and full stops, to ensure its 100% accurate in writing. has games to help your practice different forms of punctuation.
Other areas of the curriculum:
  • Our characters to promote safe technology use at Robin Hood have been completed. After the holidays, we'll choose a winning design to share throughout school.
  • Our Topic next half term will have a very ‘British’ theme. We would like to ask children to find and collect as many different images and pictures containing the Union Jack flag. These can be taken from the internet, magazines, newspapers, catalogues, etc. (Please ask permission before removing pages!!!)
Visit our blogs:

We also have a new addition to our blog list:

This contains some information around SAT’s, including tips and help sheets. Staff will continue to add resources to this blog during the course of the next few weeks.

Have a super Easter and enjoy the holidays!
The Year 5/6 Team

Friday 23 March 2012

Issue 25 2011-12

Newsletter Issue 25

Friday 23rd March 2012

Dear Parent/Carer,

As I write this week’s newsletter I am hunting around my office with some of our Reception children for a Gingerbread Man who has escaped from their baking tray.  As with Goldilocks a couple of weeks ago, please report any sightings.  Be careful… there may also be sly foxes in the area.

Easter Service
Our Easter Service, led by Year 3/4, will take place at school next Friday and will replace our usual Friday Celebration Assembly.  The service will begin at 2.15pm and will then be followed by the final of our Decorate An Egg competition.  Our Celebration Friday event for the term takes place immediately after school.  Please come look at our incredible learning… and our amazing Japanese flying fish (Koinobori) made by our Y56 pupils that are hanging in our Mall.  Our Art curriculum continues to go from strength to strength.  My thanks to Mrs Comstive, Mrs Chin, Mrs Mistry, Miss Abbey, Miss Gasciogne and Mrs Wathen (consultancy only – no ladder climbing) for their high-level display work.

Parent Consultations
Parent Consultations take place next week.  All parents should have received a consultation time.  Your attendance is important to your child’s continuing success.  On Tues 27th Nursery has its Open Parents Evening from 3.30pm – 6.00pm.

Decorate An Egg
Decorate An Egg eggs-hibits are welcomed from next Monday.  Winners will be announced after the Friday Easter Service.  Please make arrangements to take entries home after school on Friday… we cannot keep them over the Easter Break.

Car Park
We had a couple of incidents of parents performing U-turns in the Car Park entrance this week while children were passing.  It is incredibly important that everyone in our community parks and drives responsibly around school.  A serious accident involving a child for the sake of a moments convenience is a horrible prospect.

There are no Clubs next week – the final week of term and Parent Consultations Week.

Meet Your New Teacher Day
Rodillian have now confirmed for us the date of the Year 6 Transition Day this year – Tuesday 3rd July.  We use this day as our Meet Your New Teacher Day – the day that all children ‘move up’ to spend a day in next year’s class.  There will be a chance for parents to meet the teacher at the end of the school day on that same day.  Pupils who are transferring to Rodillian in September should make their own way to the school on that day for their Transition Day.

Have a fabulous weekend,
Mr Wilson

Nursery Newsletter

The children put a huge smile on my face this week as they brought in such creative and amazing home learning! The ideas that you all had for ways to help the Gingerbread man escape were just brilliant, so thank you so so much for the time and effort you put in to supporting your child’s learning at home.

We have been sharing the story of the gingerbread man. We have been using puppets and active drawing to retell the story in order. The children have also sewn their own stuffed gingerbread man teddies, which are absolutely adorable! Please also take a look at the new display in Nursery that shows the Gingerbread man running away as fast as he can!
Within Numeracy we have been assessing the children’s counting skills, and number recognition. They are showing great progress and the achievements they have made this far into this year are wonderful.

We will be continuing with our traditional tales and sharing the story of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”.  The children will also be learning about the celebration of Easter, making their own gifts and cards.
In Numeracy the children will be revisiting their learning about shapes, and also begin learning to write numerals.

Nursery Parents Evening will take place on Tuesday 27th March. We are operating an open door policy and doors will be open from 3.30pm to 6.00pm. If you feel the need to speak personally with myself, a separate appointment can be made for after the Easter holidays.

How you can help us
·         Practise counting objects, saying the number name for each, and point out numbers in the environment.
·         Build your child’s awareness of the alphabet, naming and sounding out the letters, alongside writing them and thinking of words that start with that sound.   

Many thanks for your continued support

Have a fabulous week.

Miss Bradshaw and the Nursery team


We have again had a great week in Reception, the children have enjoyed the full indoor and outdoor provision and have been hunting for the sly fox and the gingerbread man! Thank you too, as yet again your home learning was absolutely stunning!

We have shared the story of the Gingerbread Man looking at different versions and comparing the characters, events and the settings of the story. We have introduced time connectives to help us sequence the story (first, next, then, after that, finally) and the children have been challenged to include these in their writing....which increasingly they are doing - wow!
In numeracy we have been doubling and looking at pictorial multiplication using arrays. The counting in 2's and 5's is really coming on so thank you for all the extra practice you are putting in at home!

This will be our last week before the Easter break and will be busy, busy, busy! On Monday and Tuesday evenings we are looking forward to sharing all the fabulous successes and achievements of your children and discussing how we can help them to become even more amazing with their learning. (Please note that all appointments are strictly ten minutes long so if you feel that you will need a longer appointment please ask on the door as soon as possible. Thank you)
We will be sharing the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and we will be finding out more about the Easter story. The children will be creating puppet theatres, props and puppets to retell the story of the Billy Goats and we may even squeeze in some Easter baking too!
The Easter Assembly is on Friday 30th March at 2.15 where, amongst other things, the prizes for the decorated egg will be awarded. Please join us if you can.

  • By listening to your child's amazing reading every day
  • By practising reading and writing the key words and tricky words
  • By continuing to count everyday and asking your child to show you how they can use their fingers to work out doubles
  • By making a decorated egg for the Easter egg competition and bringing it in on Monday morning - PLEASE NOTE IT SHOULD BE A DECORATED HARD BOILED EGG
  • By looking in your dressing up box for a Pirate costume to wear on the first week back after the holidays
Please note Monday 16th April is a staff training day - children return to school on Tuesday 17th April

Have a lovely weekend!

Key Stage One Newsletter

What another fantastic week in Key Stage One! The children have been involved in a range of activities to show off how much they have learnt over the half term. We are extremely proud of how much progress the children are making in their learning and would like to say a MASSIVE well done to all of the children for their determination to succeed!

In Numeracy the children have answered a range of questions using all of the strategies, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children have shown that they have been confident in using their hundred squares and solving problems using different taught strategies. It has also been good to see the children trying to work out problems mentally and using their counting skills in 2's, 5's, 10's and even 3's, and 4's!

This week the children have written a letter to Mr Wilson to highlight the areas of the school that they want to improve in the future. Ideas have included a doughnut shop, a swimming pool, rainbow chairs and princess lessons! The children have had very imaginative ideas and have been able to explain why and how they are needed at our school.

Next Week

The children will be continuing to solve multiplication and division problems. This will include missing number problems, word problems, mental times table and division problems and investigations. The children will also be learning how to double and halve numbers.  Please continue to support your child in learning their X2, X5 and X10 tables and even 3's, 4's, 6's and 7's.

In Literacy the children will be finishing their unit on recounts. They will be continuing to develop their skills of planning, writing detailed sentences and understanding how to write a developed paragraph. We are sure the children will enjoy writing this week!

As our fantastic Topic of London is coming to an end we are dressing up the occasion! We look forward to seeing your children on Monday morning dressed to impress Sir Alan Sugar! Please provide your child with business/smart clothes to come to work in the office! This could be black trousers/skirt with a smart shirt and tie. The children will be designing and making their own futuristic building to persuade Alan Sugar to buy. The children will be deciding what they want the building to look like, what it will be used for, how much it will cost to make and what resources they will need. We are sure they will have a fun week designing, making and evaluating.

Thank you for your continued support in these activities.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Key Stage One Team

LKS2 Newsletter

We've had another busy and exciting week in Y3/4. The children have really impressed us with their mature and sensible attitude towards their basements during assessment week. We've also been busy preparing for our Easter celebration. The service will be held in the school hall on Friday 30th March at 2:15 pm. We look forward to sharing the children's Spring time poems, musical performances, Easter egg designs and ICT and art work portraying scenes of the Easter story with you.

The children have been putting a super effort into their numeracy assessments this week, as well as undertaking activities to further support them with their rote learning of the times tables. Next week, we will be continuing to use times tables and the grid method to calculate the area of different shapes.
Here are some websites to encourage your children to learn their times tables at home: (TNT Tables - an addictive activity to practise times tables) (Mad 4 Maths - times table games for x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 and x8)

In Literacy this week, all children in the school were given the same writing stimulus... they had to plan and write a persuasive letter to Mr Wilson about how he could make Robin Hood Primary school even better than it already is. Although this was a difficult task, the children came up with some very imaginative ideas such as disco balls in the mall, a spa in the staff room and a candy floss machine in the playground! We were very impressed with their enthusiasm for the task! The children have also had reading assessments which they have really tried hard with and again, we are really pleased with the continued effort we are seeing. Reading regularly at home has been a key factor in making brilliant progress. Next week, the children will be working in teams to present a project to the class about their favourite mystery they have learned about this half term. We can't wait to see what brilliant presentations they come up with and look forward to seeing excellent examples of team work!

Please ensure all children take their PE kits home next week to be washed over the school holidays. Parent's evening is on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th March and we look forward to seeing you then. If you have not returned a slip, please ensure you arrange a suitable time to see your child's class teacher.


Group 1
Group 2

 1. rushed
 1. kindly
 2. skipped
 2. friendly
 3. kissed
 3. weekly
 4. showed
 4. homely
 5. played
 5. lonely
 6. tried
 6. nearly
 7. cried
 7. freely
 8. waited
 8. quickly
 9. hoped
 9. quietly
10. giggle
10. loudly

Have a lovely weekend,

Team 3/4

UKS2 News Roundup:
         This week's achiever is Charlie Gibson from Mrs Brook's class. Charlie has one hundred percent wowed us this week with, not only his wonderful adventure story writing, but also his super effort and determination to succeed when undertaking his assessments. Well done Charlie - you should be very proud of yourself.
        Thank you to Year 5 parents and carers who have returned their parent consultation slips. You should now have received your appointment time for either Monday or Tuesday next week.
        We would like to invite parents and carers to visit our classrooms next Friday after school to have a look at the fabulous outcomes from our Japanese topic. We look forward to seeing you then!
      Reminder: Miss Gascoigne's class will be visiting Wagamama’s in Leeds this Tuesday (27th March). Please ensure that you bring a coat and a water bottle. The children will have some food at Wagamama’s throughout the morning and will return to school during lunchtime. The children will then have time to eat their lunch.
      Reminder: Please could we have all Personal Information forms for the Year 6 residential in June completed and returned to school by next Friday. Further information regarding the trip will be shared with parents and pupils after the Easter holidays.

         This week in Numeracy, we have been learning all about ratio, proportion and fractions. The children have been applying many aspects of their learning from the year to tackle multi-step problems, which have really got us all thinking.
         Next week, we will be continuing to learn about fractions, including common denominators to help us when ordering fractions and finding fractions of amounts. We will also be learning about percentages.
      Home Learning: The Times Tables Challenge will be held next Friday 30th March. We've got a brand new trophy for our winner... who will be taking it home this half term? There are lots of interactive games to practise your times tables at:

         This week, we've been planning and writing the next part of the Mercedes story. A particular focus has been on developing coherent paragraphs which are linked as well as incorporating shifts of time. Next week, we'll be publishing and illustrating chosen paragraphs from our stories to create a writing compilation for parents and carers.
         We continue our focus on punctuation as it's essential that punctuation, especially capital letters and full stops, are 100% accurate in writing. There are games to practise these forms of punctuation as well as others at
      Home Learning: Please learn the spellings from across this half term. We will be choosing a random selection for our spelling challenge next week! The spellings are recorded in planners and are also available on the UKS2 newsletters from this half term. Access these at

Other areas of the curriculum:
       This week, we have been continuing to develop our kimono designs on fabric.
        In ICT, the children have continued to develop their character to promote safe technology use at Robin Hood. Posters are being created to share top tips and additional resources such as songs are also being created. At the end of the half term, a design will be chosen and used throughout school.
         In Music, 56D have been recording their video soundboards for Robin Hood. 5/6G have been continuing to develop their sign language skills by learning Greatest Day by Take That. 56B have been composing musical rhythms using their bodies!

Visit our blogs:

Have a super weekend!
The Year 5/6 Team