Dear Parent/Carer,
We held a Year 56 Assembly this morning on the theme of bullying.
The school takes a proactive approach to any suggestion or concern about bullying and has re-iterated to all children that bullying, in any of its many and varied forms, will not be tolerated.
Bullying can, of course, be both an emotive and relative term. What one child perceives as bullying, another can sometimes perceive as play. Sometimes there is a lack of realisation by the child/ren concerned that an action or behaviour has caused offence or upset. For this reason, we have to be careful about applying the word bullying to situations… while maintaining an awareness that bullying does happen and the we have to take a robust and active approach to dealing with it, should it arise… and when it arises.
We have discussed carefully with the children what forms bullying can take and how upsetting both physical, verbal and emotional bullying can be from the victim’s viewpoint. We have re-stated our commitment in school; that every pupil is safe, happy, secure and able to thrive within a nurturing and caring environment. I made the point that it is everyone’s responsibility to look after their own behaviour, their attitudes towards, and their interactions with, others. We are one big family in school. Our community is founded upon mutual respect and tolerance.
We re-iterated to the children that bullying can only exist if it is not talked about. The children were encouraged, as they consistently are, to make their feelings know to an adult if they feel uncomfortable with any situation… relating either to themselves or others. This encouragement extends to parents/carers. If there is a matter that is of concern to you… please share it with us immediately.
Our staff are very vigilant at both playtimes and lunchtimes about the interactions between children and we have very clearly established systems if we feel that actions are needed to support any individual or group. We have very well established support systems around children and we are proactive in encouraging individual children’s interests and in brokering friendships and play, where that is required.
Our approach to bullying is part of our wider Safeguarding responsibilities. I am certain that our proactive approach to this subject has your full support.
Yours faithfully,