Friday, 6 January 2012

Issue 15 2011-12

Newsletter Issue 15

Friday 6th January 2012

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome back!  We have begun the New Year with our usual energy and enthusiasm.  It was great to see our children back on Wednesday and we look forward to a fabulous 2012 at Robin Hood… a landmark year for me personally as I now enter my tenth year at Robin Hood.  Where has the time gone…

The Golden Owls - Calling all budding film-makers 
Robin Hood is taking part in a new, exciting film competition for Young People that is being held in Leeds. The competition is open to entries made either in school or at home… all submitted to the competition via the school.  We, of course, want to encourage everyone to join in.  We will certainly be submitting a selection of the films that children have created at school and we welcome entries from anyone who enjoys making films outside of school hours too. The entries that are eventually nominated for a Golden Owl Award will be shown at an Oscar- style event, organised by Leeds, where film-makers will enjoy an exclusive evening.  All entries for the Golden Owls should be submitted to Mrs Moore by Monday 23rd January 2012.  As it is a competition for Young People, the competition rules are clear that films are children's own creations.  If adult support has been involved, please specify what form this has taken and to what extent.  For legal reasons, any music used must be copyright free.  Judges recommend using material from these websites (some are free, some are not):

The Robins
We will be sharing lots more film and much more besides with pupils, parents and our community at our own Robins Evening on Thursday 22nd March.  This event will showcase films selected for the Golden Owls, video and film content produced by Robin Hood pupils, fashion design creations from their Topics and much more.  It promises to be a fabulous celebration evening, one not to be missed.  Please circle that date in your calendars now.

Our Clubs will recommence next week.

Have a great weekend,
Mr Wilson

Nursery Newsletter

Welcome back to a new half term, we hope you had a fabulous Christmas break. It’s been wonderful having the children back full of energy and excited for the new term ahead!

Has gone amazingly quickly! We have begun a new topic all about Animals in their habitats, and the children have been as keen as ever to share their existing knowledge and posed lots of questions for what they would like to find out! Please take a look at the blog for the questions they have raised – maybe they could do some research and produce their own fact file at home based around one of them?

The children will be focusing on animals we keep as pets. We will be using the home learning they produce to develop further ideas about how we take care of our pets and what makes a good pet owner! We will also be making and designing our very own pet carriers!
In numeracy the children will develop their counting skills and recognition of numbers and will be sorting and matching, using animal figures. We will also be developing our recognition of numbers 1-10, counting out objects to match.

How you can help us
Please continue to share stories with your child every day.
Practice writing your child’s name with them on a daily basis in their new name books.
Keep counting at home, playing number games and singing number songs.

Please note that Nursery sessions times are as follows:
Doors open at 8.45 for session to start prompt at 9.00am
Wednesday morning collection time is 11.30 -11.45.
Wednesday afternoon session - door opens 12.15 to start prompt at 12.30
Collection time is 3.00-3.15 pm on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

Many thanks for your continued support

Have a great weekend.

Miss Bradshaw and the Nursery team


Welcome back to our first newsletter of 2012! We hope you have all had a fabulous break and we have seen the children come back refreshed and rejuvenated!

We have introduced the children to our new topic of 'Animals in their Habitats' and have set up some fabulous new areas of provision to support their learning. We have made time to play in the areas alongside the children and this has allowed us to question their ideas and extend their thinking. We have also used our new Nintendo DS consoles and spent time getting to know the controls, using the stylus to write and send our keywords to each other.

We will be learning about pets and our learning will start on Monday when the children share their home learning and tell us what they know about the type of pets that people have. We will be making our own 'lift the flap' books about pets and we will be asking the children to produce beautiful illustrations and use their keywords in their clues.
In numeracy we will be finding out about the most popular types of pets and using the 2Simple programme to create our own graphs to represent the data. In topic we will be using our DS's to play Nintendogs and designing and making our own pet carriers for poorly pets!

Please support your child by listening to them read for five minutes every day and by reading and writing the keywords and tricky works with them. Can you also encourage them to complete their home learning task and bring this in on Monday morning. 
Please check our blog for any further  information:

Thank you for your support.

KS1 Newsletter
Welcome back to the Spring term...

The children were very excited to come into school this week and eager to share their news of the Christmas holidays.  We are all looking forward to an action packed half term.....

NumeracyThis term the children will be learning about Shapes and their properties.  The children will be looking at both 2D and 3D shapes, using mathematical language to name the shapes including, pyramid, cylinder, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon.  They will be looking at and discussing their properties, recognising the number of faces, edges, vertices (3D) corners and sides (2D).
Across the half term the children will look at symmetry and symmetrical patters, designing their own pattern using 2D shapes. 
The learning will progress to looking at turns, whole, half and quarter turns, clockwise and anti-clockwise of both objects and shape.  The children will be using remote control cars and beebots to give instructions for moving along a route in straight lines and round right angles in squares and rectangles. 

Please visit the school website: Learning Zone: Numeracy: Shape games to continue your child's learning at home, or click on the following link:

This week the children have spent time looking at and describing both 2D and 3D shapes, describing the properties of the shape using mathematical language.  The children have been sorting shapes into different categories and then sharing the categories for their groups. 

This half term the children will be writing invitations to a range of characters/people.  They will be reading examples of invitations, discussing the layout, including the use of paragraphs and ways of starting and ending the invitation.  They will look at persuasive phrases and how they can continue to develop their ideas using so, if, but, because and when, use time connectives to connect ideas together (first, then, next, after that, finally, eventually). 

The children have started their unit writing an invitation to a Mr Men character;  Mr Silly (Year 2), Mr Strong (Year 1/2) and Mr Greedy (Year 1).  The children have read the book, watched the audio clip and begun to think about the party games which would entice the character to join a party.  They have looked at the informal structure of an invitation and the basic information it gives, time, date and place which we have called the boring detail.  The children have started to look at giving their Mr Men character more information writing an Opening paragraph, describing why the character should come to the party. 

This will continue next week when they will think about the games which will entice their character and write a paragraph to include in their invitation.  The week will conclude by writing a closing paragraph, where they will finally beg their Mr Men character to attend and not miss out!

This half term our topic focus is all about the Rainforest.  Across the half term the children will be given a series of questions to research and find the answers to.  This week the children have been asked:  Who lives here anyway?  The children have spent the time looking at the rainforest, sharing their knowledge of where rainforests are located in the world and why they have the climate they do.  Rainforests only cover about 6% of the earth’s surface and they are located close to the earth’s equator, hence their warm and humid climate.

The children have been asking a number of mature questions to research further, such as:  'If the weather is warm in the rainforest, why is it called a rainforest and does it rain?'  'Why are people chopping the rainforest down if the people who live in them say they are needed?’ 

The children are very excited about finding the answers to their own questions and areas of interest.

LKS2 Newsletter

We hope that everyone has had a lovely Christmas and a happy start to the New Year. We have had a fantastic start to the New Year in 3/4 and are extremely proud of all the children's sensible and mature attitudes. We would like to thank everyone for all the amazing home learning we have received. We have been blown away by the fabulous range of outcomes, from super Powerpoints, to detailed sketches of air craft designs, the children have arrived with a breadth of knowledge about why World War Two began. This has helped to kick off our new topic 'Should I have been evacuated during WW2?’

To celebrate the end of the war we will be holding our very own VE day party in the hall to share our fantastic outcomes from the unit with parents and carers. This will be held on Tuesday 7th of February at 2:30pm, in the school hall. We will be asking the children to be dressed in traditional 1940's outfits. Further details of this will be given soon.

During the next six weeks the children will be producing a WW2 journal filled with all the letters and diary extracts they will have written as evacuees. Today we have written our first diary extract talking about our feelings and emotions after being told we are getting sent away. We are also having a huge focus on punctuation using 'VCOP' which looks at vocabulary, connectives, openers and sentence starters to further improve our writing.

We are looking at measures this half term in numeracy so this week we have been busy converting the different measurements for length and thinking about what unit we would use to measure different objects. The children have been learning how to read the intervals of different scales. We are also having a HUGE push on the children's times tables recall. Please practise times tables with your child, up to 12x12 as this will support their multiplication skills next half term. This game is a fun way to practice your times table skills.

Our PE unit this half term is football and we will be kicking off next week by learning different passes and dribbling techniques. As we will be outside for PE, please could all the children bring outdoor trainers, tracksuit bottoms and a warm jumper.

Thank you,
3/4 Team

UKS2 Newsletter

News Roundup:
  • Happy New Year to everyone! We are all looking forward to what we know will be a fantastically successful half term.
  • Congratulations to Faith, Ellie, Jack C, Ellis and Jack G for their effective communication and teamwork when dramatising a section of the story of Pandora's Box at the West Yorkshire Playhouse. They are our Achievers of the Week!
  • Year 5/6 have had a fantastic time this week visiting the West Yorkshire Playhouse for a Drama day. This involved a backstage tour, drama workshop and a chance to watch the fantastic and impressive musical, Annie.
  • We thank the Year 6 parents for completing the practise SAT papers over the holidays with their child. Please make sure that they are in school by next week as we will be resuming our Splat the SATs sessions.
  • The focus this week has been learning about positive and negative numbers and applying this to different situations such as temperature. The children have also spent a lesson learning about Probability and answering some very high level questions.

  • Home Learning: Home Learning this week has been allocated via the Learning Platform. Specific exercises related to our learning back in school have been set up in order to reinforce the strategies learnt so far and strategies which will provide a 'one step ahead' ready for our learning next week. Access these via our school website - click Learning Platform - log in - I am Learning - My Room - My Homework.

Next week, the children will be focussing on interpreting and handling data linked to our Annie theatre trip. The children will also be exposed to some fantastic modern day types of data, which is sure to inspire them!

  • The children have started the Narrative unit of writing, studying the story of Annie. They have been focussing carefully on well structured character descriptions and writing openings for the story.
  • The children have started the story " Percy Jackson- The Demi- God files", by Rick Riordan. The book presents a fantastic modern day twist on Greek Mythology and the children have enjoyed familiarising themselves with the characters, this week.

  • Home Learning: This week's spellings are linked to the story of Annie and will be used in our writing during the next week- orphanage, impersonate, mansion, disguise, miserable, adoption, Annie, Miss Farrell, Daddy Warbucks, Miss Hannigan

Next week, the children will continue to focus on a reinterpretation of "Annie" and will learn how to structure a story. They will be taught how to write an effective setting and use purposeful written techniques in various points of the story.

Other areas of the curriculum:

  • In Topic, the children have been working in their teams and planning what they are going to study for their historical research. They have also been deciding on creative and dynamic ways that they can present their research and have been learning new skills in Smart Notebook to help them do this. Over the half term, the children will engage in two exciting projects around the unit of Ancient Greeks. As well as the historical research and presentations, the children will also work in their team in contributing to an aspect of the class drama, which will be based on a well known Greek Myth. We are all excited about this new innovative approach to our topic learning.