Friday, 16 March 2012

Issue 24 2011-12

Newsletter Issue 24

Friday 16th March 2012

Dear Parent/Carer,

You will, I am sure, be happy to know that Goldilocks was successfully apprehended last week and no longer poses a risk to porridge, stools or bear’s beds in the area.  There is lots of information on the goings on in school this week on our various class and Year Group blogs.

National Support School
We have been visited this week by colleagues from Great & Little Preston and from Oulton Primary as part of our National Support School work.  It is a privilege for us to work with other schools and to share our practice.  In doing this work we continue to strengthen the quality of our provision at Robin Hood.

Miss Oxley
Miss Oxley has secured a new post with Wakefield Children’s Services and will thus be leaving us at Easter.  We will be sad to see Miss Oxley leave us, having grown as she has as a teacher during her two and a bit years with us at Robin Hood.  Miss Oxley will, of course, leave with our good will and very best wishes for the future.

I am delighted to share with you that the Year One class will be taken over from Easter by Miss Snowden.  Miss Snowden has gained a first class education as a teacher at Robin Hood, having worked alongside outstanding teachers for the past two terms and has grown into a fantastic teacher in her own right.  Miss Snowden has been working in our Year 1,2 for much of the year and has spent a significant amount of time with the Year 1 class already.

Easter Service
Our Easter Service this year will take place at school rather than at Lofthouse Church.  The service, led by Year 3/4, takes place on Friday 30th March and will replace our usual Friday Celebration Assembly.  The service will begin at 2.15pm and will then be followed by the final of our Decorate An Egg competition.  Our Celebration Friday event for the term takes place immediately after school.  You are welcome to visit our classrooms to celebrate and share your child’s learning from this term.  I would also encourage you to take a walk around school to have a look at our incredible displays, learning and Artworks.

Parent Consultations
Parent Consultations for this term will take place on the 26th and 27th March until 6.00pm each night.  The consultations are for parents from Reception through to Year 5, our Year 6 parents having had a consultation early in the New Year.  On Tues 27th Nursery has its Open Parents Evening from 3.30pm – 6.00pm.  Parents of Nursery children are welcome to talk to our Nursery team and have a good look at their child’s super learning.  If Nursery parents need to discuss an issue in detail with Miss Bradshaw, please book an individual appointment with her for after the Easter break.

Decorate An Egg
It’s time to get egg-cited again… Our Annual Decorate An Egg competition is back once more.  Standards are always egg-cellent, the competition is egg-treme, it is taken very seriously by competitors… it is no yoke.  Exhibits are welcomed from Monday 26th March.  Judging will take place and winners will be announced at the Friday Easter Service, 30th March.

Golden Owls
A group of young filmmakers from Robin Hood will be attending the Leeds Young Filmmakers Golden Owls Competition Awards Ceremony at Leeds Town Hall on the 29th March.  This is the first Golden Owls Film Competition. The Awards are a prestigious black tie event in the style of the Oscars during which the winners from the citywide competition will be announced.  The Golden Owls are supported by ArtForms, Leeds Young Film Network and the Leeds Young People’s Film Festival and will be an annual event in the city.  Robin Hood has three contenders short listed for awards.  Well done to Mrs Moore for being the inspiration and driving force behind our participation in this fantastic event.

Call for Pom-Poms
We have had our first pom-pom, brought into school by Harry Argyle in Year 1.  Harry made his pom-pom at home with his Grandma.  There is a photo of his splendid pom-pom on our Art in the Community blog.  If anyone would like to make/ is busily making pom-poms at home, the diameter of the circle template needs to measure 6cm.  Don’t forget that on Monday 30th April we will be hosting a community event after school for which the School Hall will be open to all children, parents/carers and grandparents, uncles and aunties to help make as many pom-poms as we can.  We will be creating pom-poms to make our very own life-sized sheep.  If you have any wool to donate, or can just turn up to take part – please play your part in helping us to make this a really fun community event… the more pom-poms, the better!

The Big Draw
I am delighted to share with you that our Big Draw Event this year made it to the final shortlist of the Drawing Inspiration Awards – a national award supported by the Campaign for Drawing that recognises significant Arts projects.  To be shortlisted for this national award is an achievement in itself.  Most of all, we really enjoyed the day – yet another memorable learning experience at Robin Hood.  My thanks to Mrs Dale for her organisation of the event and to the whole school team for their contribution to that fabulous day.

Travelling Book Fair comes to Robin Hood
Our all new book fair will be in school from Monday 19th to Friday 23rd March. It will be open every morning from 8:15am to 8:45am and after school from 3:00pm to 3:45pm. Bring along your World Book Day Voucher to receive £1 off any book.

Have a great weekend,
Mr Wilson

Nursery Newsletter

The children have been full of “beans “(ha-ha) this week as we shared the story of Jack and the beanstalk. Thank you so much for finding the time to support your child with their home learning, it is clear to see the children are full of enthusiasm when they come into Nursery, fully prepared for their week of learning.

We have been re-enacting our traditional tale, using the puppets in the far away land to retell the story. The children took turns to act out the different roles of the characters and worked together as a group to make our very own picture story boards.
Within number the children have been learning about measure, focusing on length and height. The children have been using non standard units (paperclips, unifix cubes, etc) to measure objects around the room, and compare which is the tallest and which is the smallest.  

We will be continuing with our traditional tales and sharing the story of The Gingerbread Man.  The children will also be learning about the changing states of materials, as we decorate our own gingerbread men, by melting and cooling chocolate... let’s hope we get to eat them before they run away!!
In Numeracy the children will continue learning about non standard units of measure (e.g. hands, feet, paperclips, unifix cubes etc) to measure and compare heights and lengths of different objects.

How you can help us
·         Continue sharing stories, using connectives (then, after, next etc) to sequence events in order.
·         Compare objects in size and height e.g. line up shoes at the door from biggest to smallest
·         Practise naming the different letters in the alphabet alongside the sound they make (jolly phonics), particularly those in their own name.
·         Provide opportunities for writing development e.g. making shopping lists, taking orders for    drinks, sending cards etc.

Many thanks for your continued support

Have a wonderful week.

Miss Bradshaw and the Nursery team

We have been overtaken by beanstalks in Reception this week! Thanks to your amazing home learning and the wonderful vision of our creative team we even have our own giant beanstalk in the classroom. Mr Wilson has told us that we absolutely must not climb it though......!

We have shared the story of Jack and the Beanstalk using Pie Corbett actions in our retell which has really helped the children to write their own versions of the story. The props you made for home learning have really enhanced our role-play areas and there has been some amazing learning going on every day. In our numeracy sessions we have challenged ourselves to measure the beanstalks, using a variety of non standard (paper-clips, pencils, hands) and then move on to standard units of measure such as cm rulers.

We will be sharing the traditional tale of The Gingerbread man and the children will be retelling it using role-play and props, they will be re-writing it and we will even be baking our own gingerbread men. In numeracy we will be thinking about multiplication and getting those gingerbread men to help us work out how many we will need to make sure Miss Lambert and Mrs Steel have two each (or may be three or four biscuits each!)
Next week is also the whole school assessment week where we will be looking at the fabulous progress each and every child has made so far. It may be necessary to change reading days so we would appreciate you making sure that your child has their reading bag in school every day. Thank you.

  • By listening to your child read for five minutes every day and noting a comment in their reading record
  • By reading and writing their keywords daily
  • By completing and bringing in the home learning on Monday morning
  • By regularly telling your child just how brilliant they are!
  • By ensuring they can now write their FULL name
Thank you, as ever, for your fantastic support.


We are very proud of all the children in KS1 this week due to the fabulous effort they have put into all their learning every single day!
Thank you to all the parents/carers who have donated their weekly recycling.   Please continue to bring in any unwanted cardboard boxes and tubs for our up and coming design technology topic.
Just a quick reminder to ensure all reading records are brought into school every day and given to the class teacher on a Monday morning. This is important so we can track your child’s reading and give out spellings on a weekly basis.
This week in literacy the children have watched a video clip and been investigating the kidnapping of two little mice, and writing recounts to send to the police. The children have had such a positive attitude to their learning which has shown in their writing.  By engaging with their targets, and evaluating their own writing, they have all produced some super recounts. They have continued to develop the structure of their writing using the style Opening sentence, 1, 2, 3, (3 sentences about the event) then writing a Close.  This has required the children to look closely at video and add as much detail as possible.  The children have also tried to include adjectives (describing words), verbs (doing words) and adverbs (describes what the verb is doing) within their writing.   
The children have also impressing us with their super comprehension skills within guided reading this week. It is great to see all children fully engaged with their learning.

KS1 have been learning all about multiplication this week during numeracy. They have been learning how to solve a range of worded problems using new strategies. Why don’t you ask your child to teach you the new strategy? Not only this, the children have been carrying out some tricky missing number investigations! Please continue to practice counting in 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s and 10’s with your child at home.  In order to support your child’s multiplication and division knowledge they need to be confident in counting in the above sequences. We are all really impressed with the effort and enthusiasm the children are putting into their numeracy.

We have had an amazing time learning all about London landmarks. The children have been accessing a variety of London maps to direct their way to different locations, and tourist attractions. The children have been gathering information about specific tourist attractions in order to produce a class fact file. It has been great hearing about different London stories from the children, everyone has learnt lots of super facts.

Next week
Next week the children will have a chance to show off their learning in some focused group activities. This will be an opportunity for the class teacher to make formal assessments of your child’s progress in literacy and numeracy, and set targets for the summer term. 
In topic the children will be making London vehicles out of plasticine. They will then be learning how to create a start stop animation using these models and ‘I Can Animate 2’. We are very excited to see what the children produce!

LKS2 Newsletter

We have had yet another fantastic week in 3/4 full of amazing and exciting learning! We have been finding out all about the mysteries surrounding the Bermuda Triangle and researching the strange disappearances of many planes and ships in this area. The children have had lots of fun using all of their factual information to write and perform their very own TV News Broadcasts.

We are extremely excited to be hosting this year’s Easter service and are currently busy preparing for the celebration. The service will be held in the school hall on Friday 30th March at 2:15 pm. We look forward to sharing the children's Spring time poems, musical performances, Easter egg designs and art work portraying scenes of the Easter story with you.

In Numeracy, the children have been learning different written strategies to solve problems involving division. Ask your child to show you how to use arrays or the bus stop method to solve a division problem involving remainders.

We have been busy learning all of our times tables in 3/4 and next week will be practising them all the way up to 12 x 12.

Here are some fun games for the children to play and practice their times tables. (TNT Tables - an addictive activity to practise times tables) (Mad 4 Maths - times table games for x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 and x8)

This week we used Maddie and Grace's holiday home learning about the Bermuda Triangle as our stimulus for our News Reports. We watched and took notes on Maddie's Uncle, Mr Carter's, mysterious encounter and the children have written fantastic detailed news articles. We are really impressed with how the children are developing their ideas into both compound and complex sentences and using 'WOW' words and powerful verbs to further enhance their writing. We have also been developing our dictionary and thesaurus skills so we can use a deeper range of vocabulary in our writing. We look forward to sharing the outstanding writing from across the phase with you at our parent consultations. .

The children have been continuing to retell the events of Palm Sunday and Holy Thursday. The children have shown a great understanding of the Easter story as they are applying their learning from RE sessions.

Please can children ensure they have an art shirt in school with them all the time as we are painting for the next few weeks. Can all children bring in their reading records on a Monday morning so we can reward the children with merits for all their reading over the week.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and carers for the level of engagement we receive in the children's reading records. It gives us great joy to reward the children for all of the amazing reading they are doing at home. Thank you for all of your support with this.

Next half term in 3/4 we will be learning all about our magnificent city, Leeds. As part of our learning experience, the children will be creating their very own tour guides of the city highlighting key attractions to go and visit. In order to allow the children to draw on personal experiences for their tour guides, we will be visiting various Leeds landmarks. All the children have been given the opportunity to select a preference for the landmark/s that they would like to visit. The letter informing you of which trip your child will be going on has gone home with your child today. We have tried our very best to match the children up with their first choice option, however, we have to ensure even numbers for each trip and therefore some children have been given their second choice. All of the trips present rich and interesting learning opportunities which the children will draw upon and apply in to their writing.


Group 1
Group 2
 1. many
 1. loose
 2. very
 2. loosen
 3. house
 3. simple
 4. three
 4. simplify
 5. tree
 5. pure
 6. sister
 6. purify
 7. brother
 7. class
 8. another
 8. classify
 9. please
 9. solid
10. come
10. solidify

We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Team 3/4

UKS2 News Roundup:
·         Our achiever this week is Kurtis for his beautiful and detailed design, inspired by patterns from Kimonos. Well done Kurtis. You can have a look at the design on 56D's blog!
·         Reminder: Mrs Darroch's class will be visiting Wagamama’s in Leeds this Tuesday (20th March). Please ensure that you bring a coat and a water bottle. The children will have some food to taste at Wagamama’s throughout the morning and will return to school during lunchtime. The children will have time to eat their lunch when we return to school. Miss Gascoigne's class will visit Wagamama’s on Tuesday 27th March.
·           This week in Numeracy, our focus has been on angles. We've been using protractors to measure angles and using our new learning to find the missing angles in shapes. We've also explored ratio and proportion.
·           Next week, we will be continuing to learn all about ratio and proportion and apply our learning to some really challenging multi-step problems, which will really get us all thinking! We will also be starting to learn about fractions, including simplifying fractions and finding common denominators to help us order fractions.

·           Home Learning: Take a look at some of the following websites for a ‘One step ahead’ with fractions...

·           Literacy:
·           This week, we've been looking at the anime character, Mercedes, around which we'll be writing an adventure story. Our focus has been on developing the character of Mercedes in the opening paragraph to the story as well as the setting using details to suggest information. Here's a short film trailer of the Mercedes' adventure
·           The children have also chosen their own targets for their writing based on feedback from the tourist guide for Japan written last week. These have been recorded on our new target cards. Thank you to those children who returned these to school on Monday. We also continue our focus on punctuation as it's essential that capital letters and full stops are 100% accurate in writing. There are games to practise these forms of punctuation as well as others at
·           Home Learning: Please learn the spellings which prepare the children for spelling accuracy in next week's adventure story based around Mercedes- Elluel, Leafre, elves, completely, totally, cautiously, frantically, wandered, wondered, despair
Other areas of the curriculum:
·           This week, we have been focusing on kimono designs. Each class has practised designs and transferred these onto fabric which will then be stitched to form a kimono. Thank you to Mrs Holland who measured and cut the fabric ready for our designs!
·           In ICT, the children have, in teams, been designing a character to promote safe technology use at Robin Hood along with a poster to share top tips. Each team will 'pitch' their designs and a decision will be made as to which campaign will be used at Robin Hood. We're looking forward to sharing our designs with you towards the end of the half term.
·           In Music, 56D have been planning their video soundboards for Robin Hood. 5/6G have been continuing to develop their sign language skills by learning Greatest Day by Take That. 56B have been composing musical rhythms using their bodies!
Visit our blogs: