Newsletter Issue 33 |
Friday 1st June 2012
Dear Parent/Carer,
Somehow, it’s the 1st of June! Time really does fly at Robin Hood. There are only six weeks and one day left in the school year. Incredible!
Non-Uniform Day
Thanks to everyone who joined in our Non-Uniform day today and made a contribution to James’ charitable fund. James is a truly inspirational young man and I am certain that both he and his family are delighted with the fantastic support that he is receiving from the Robin Hood community.
James Driver
We are planning a whole school charity event to take place on the afternoon of Monday 25th June with the intention that all proceeds will go towards James’ “Wish to Walk” charity. Mrs Dale and Miss Mees are organising a “Walk a Mile” event, where the children will each get the chance to walk a mile in the school grounds and gather sponsors for their efforts. The event will coincide with World Sports Day.
Mrs Dale and Miss Mees will hold Key Stage assemblies on the first Monday of the half term to promote the event to the children and sponsor forms will be given out that evening so that children can begin to collect sponsors. We will be inviting parents to come along and support their child during the afternoon of the 25th and we are hoping to print some “Wish to Walk” t-shirts to sell and wear on the day. More information to follow next half term.
The Big Dance
We shared an incredible film at last week’s Celebration Assembly of the Big Dance that took place on the playground the week before. My thanks and congratulations to Miss Snowden for co-ordinating the event, which was a fantastic success and a memorable experience for the children.
Congratulations to Chitua Hani-Okoroafor and Thomas Caldicott who have both accepted a place at the Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Academy . Chitua and Thomas are two of our many talented footballers at Robin Hood. My only hope is that they aren’t picked to play for the first team against Leeds this season... I wouldn’t fancy our chances against them.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mr Wilson
We have had a fun packed learning week in Nursery this week as we rounded off our topic on Dinosaurs. The children have been truly excited every week during this topic which has been wonderful to see! They seem to have really enjoyed discovering what the world was like 160 million years ago, and learning all the fascinating facts about the different dinosaurs!
The children created a beautiful dinosaur land scene as part of our literacy. They worked as a whole class taking turns to build the picture, using books to support their visual understanding of how and where the dinosaurs lived. We then developed our colouring skills by adding the different dinosaurs which the children coloured, cut and stuck on to the collage. It looked incredible, so please take a look at the blog to see the finished outcome.
Within number the children have been revisiting number recognition, counting out and simple addition.
We will be moving onto a new topic - “Growing”. We will begin the topic by sharing the story of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to help us learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. Within numeracy we will be using butterflies to help us learn about symmetry and develop our confidence with repeating patterns.
How you can help us
· Continue playing games that encourage your child to recognise numbers and listen for initial sounds.
· Practise writing simple words in their name books, encouraging your child to listen for the sounds that make the word e.g. cat, mop, jam etc.
· Continue sharing stories, taking turns to turn the pages, discuss the pictures, spot repeated words, and decode simple words by sounding the word out for your child to hear.
Many thanks for your continued support
Have a fabulous half term! Let’s hope the sun keeps shining!
Miss Bradshaw and the Nursery team
Reception news round up
Well done to all our superstars for another amazing week. The weather has been very kind to us and the children have had a wonderful time learning in our fabulous outdoor area. We are sure the children (and staff!) will all be ready for their week's rest. Let’s hope the sun keeps shining!
In numeracy we have revisited addition and subtraction and the children have been amazing, using a range of super strategies to work out the total. They particularly enjoyed using the DS's to solve their maths challenges too. Our literacy focus has been around Dinosaur Extinction and the children have drawn some amazing pictures and retold us their own scientific theory. The children's home learning gave them a real start for their learning so thank you for your support with that. In topic they have made their very own dinosaur eggs with mini dinosaurs hatching out.
After the holiday we will be starting a new topic of 'Growing' and the first week we will be sharing the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and talking about the different stages in a butterfly life cycle. The children will be sequencing these events and writing about them using time connective such as 'first’,’ then', 'next' and 'finally'.
In our numeracy sessions we will be looking at patterns and symmetry, using butterfly templates to make our own symmetrical patterns.
- By encouraging your child to complete their home learning tasks over the holidays (little and often works best so please don't feel that you need to complete it all at once. However we really would appreciate your support in ensuring that they do complete their home learning for the first Monday back!
- By making sure you listen to your child's fabulous reading every day. After this weeks reading interviews we are amazed at the children's progress - well done everyone!
- By saving your small yogurt pots and sending them in on the first day back for Miss Vollands - she is planning to run an activity that requires your pots!
- By looking at our blog over the holidays as we will be adding things during the week.
Thank you for your support. Have a wonderful week!
KS1 Newsletter
It's been another action packed week in Key Stage One! The Key Stage One Team would like to say a massive well done to all the Year Two Children for their fantastic efforts in their SATS. The children have worked extremely hard this year and should be really proud of themselves! We have ended the week with a fund raising Friday to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. Everyone looked wonderful!
This week in Numeracy the Year Two children have been completing their SATS. The children have shown great confidence in using a range of taught strategies and have shown how far they have come through the year. Well done to you all! The Year One children have also been showing off what they have learnt this half term by solving a range of problems using their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. They have also revisited measure and solved problems on length, weight and capacity.
This week in Numeracy the Year Two children have been completing their SATS. The children have shown great confidence in using a range of taught strategies and have shown how far they have come through the year. Well done to you all! The Year One children have also been showing off what they have learnt this half term by solving a range of problems using their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. They have also revisited measure and solved problems on length, weight and capacity.
Next term
How quickly the year has gone, as when the children come back it will be our final term of the year! The children will start the summer term learning all about time. They will be reading times including o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. The children will also be learning about the big hand (the hour) and the small hand (minutes). As the week progresses they will begin to solve word problems about time. These will include questions such as:
It is 9 0'clock. What time will it be two hours later?
You are leaving to go on a school trip at 10.00am. It takes one hour and fifteen minutes to get there. What time will you arrive?
This week in Literacy the children have been busy writing their own unique, original story! The children began the week by thinking about who they would like their characters to be in their story and where they wanted it to be set. After this the children spent time planning their story using the story mountain which has helped them to create a fantastic story! The children have really enjoyed this unit of work and it has been lovely to see the development in their learning of using their imagination, story language, detailed pictures and beautiful front covers throughout the half term. We would like to thank you for your support in our charity event of 'selling our stories' to raise money for James Driver.
Next term
The children will begin the term reflecting on their year in class by writing their own recount about their fantastic year! They will be writing about what they have enjoyed, what they feel they have improved in and what they think their next steps are in their learning. The children have had so many wonderful learning experiences in their learning and it will be interesting to see what has been the most memorable and to think about how much they have achieved this year. The Key Stage One team are extremely proud of every single child as they really have had an amazing year!
The children will begin the term reflecting on their year in class by writing their own recount about their fantastic year! They will be writing about what they have enjoyed, what they feel they have improved in and what they think their next steps are in their learning. The children have had so many wonderful learning experiences in their learning and it will be interesting to see what has been the most memorable and to think about how much they have achieved this year. The Key Stage One team are extremely proud of every single child as they really have had an amazing year!
This week in topic the children have created their outstanding animations using the programme 'I can animate'. The children have taken photos, manipulated their characters so different parts of their bodies move and added a voice over to explain their stories. They are absolutely fantastic and we look forward to sharing them with you soon on our super Key Stage One Blog.
This week in topic the children have created their outstanding animations using the programme 'I can animate'. The children have taken photos, manipulated their characters so different parts of their bodies move and added a voice over to explain their stories. They are absolutely fantastic and we look forward to sharing them with you soon on our super Key Stage One Blog.
Next term
The children will begin the summer term with a new topic all about the seaside! The children will begin the topic by using their geographical skills to locate seasides, understanding coastal erosion and look closely at the area of Scarborough . The children will also be looking at the differences of Scarborough and Leeds City Centre. The home learning is linked to our topic and these will be shared on our first day back in school.
Enjoy your half term!
The Key Stage One Team
LKS2 Newsletter
We have had yet another fantastic week in 3/4 full of amazing and exciting learning! This half term we have been finding out all about our magnificent City, Leeds . The children have researched various key attractions in and around our City and have used this knowledge to create some exceptional leaflets persuading people to go and visit these landmarks. The children have also been making amazing colourful and highly detailed magnets that could be sold at one of the landmarks we went to visit during our topic.
We would also like to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone for visiting our 3/4 blog. We feel it is very important that the children can showcase their wonderful learning to the world and access the learning they need at home in an easy and convenient way.
This week we have been assessing the children's learning from this half term on the three topics we have covered, fractions, time and shape & space. Next half term, we will be using all of the four operations to solve real life problems involving money. We will also be learning about position and direction. As part of the children’s home learning we would like them to keep practising ALL of their times tables.
Here are some websites to encourage your children to learn their times tables at home: (TNT Tables - an addictive activity to practise times tables) (Mad 4 Maths - times table games for x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 and x8)
This week in Literacy, the children have been given the opportunity to write their own traditional tale, where they have carefully planned the opening, build up, climax, resolution and ending. The children have worked super hard to incorporate adverbs and powerful verbs in their writing, as well as continuing with VCOP and including a balance of action, description and dialogue. We are extremely proud of the children’s determination in hitting their targets to further improve their writing. Next half term, we will be studying various sporting personalities and using this information to create diary entries, biographies and to write a series of persuasive letters. We are extremely proud of the children’s beautiful presentation in 3/4 and the children will continue to develop their letter formation and improve on their diagonal and horizontal joins.
We will be collecting the children's reading miles for the Jubilee Reading Challenge during the first week back after the holidays, so please encourage your child to read with you over the half term break. How many times can they complete a full journey around the Commonwealth?
Home Learning
Next half term our topic is ‘Spectacular Sports’. We will be learning all about the Olympics, Wimbledon and various sporting personalities. In order to kick off our exciting topic on Monday 11th June, we would like the children to come to school dressed in their favourite sports kit for the day. The children could come dressed as a golfer, footballer, gymnast, runner, dancer or any other sport that they are interested in.
For the children’s home learning we would like them to research a different sports person of their choice. They must research their chosen sport person’s career and how they became successful. The children can present their research in any format they choose, such as designing a poster, PowerPoint, video, leaflet or any other creative way. Please encourage your child to not just copy and paste from the internet as the children need to be able to put what they have read into their own words. It is important that they understand the information, as they will present this to their class during the first week after half term.
· Please ensure your child brings their indoor PE kits every Monday and leaves it in school all week.
· Year 4s will need to bring their swimming kits every Friday and remember to take it home to have it washed.
· Please make sure your child's belongings are clearly labelled.
· It is very important that all children have a water bottle in school to ensure they remain hydrated throughout the day.
Group 1
Group 2
1. I've
1. country
2. she's
2. busy
3. he's
3. mystery
4. somebody
4. guess
5. nobody
5. instead
6. there's
6. build
7. who'll
7. enough
8. they'll
8. language
9. you'll
9. rough
10. you're
10. pleasant
Thank you,
The 3/4 Team
UKS2 News Roundup:
Congratulations to Elliot Madeley who is this week's achiever of the week. Elliot has proved that, with hard work and determination, anything is possible. He has totally transformed his handwriting and has made super progress with his key number facts in Numeracy. Elliot also found time to help raise money for James Driver last week by helping to sell juice, sweets and biscuits with friends on his street. Well done Elliot - you really are a star.
Year 6 children will be embarking on the residential trip to Robin Wood when we return after half term. Could we please remind all of those who are going to be at school no later than 8:00am on Monday morning with a view to leave at 8:15am. If any children suffer from travel sickness, please ensure you take your travel sickness tablets before we leave.
Scripts and roles have been given out for the Year 6 production of Hoodwinked. It is a light-hearted and entertaining version of the classic tale of Robin Hood and his merry men. We would like all of those with speaking parts to begin learning their lines over the holidays.
After the holidays, Year 5 and 6 children will be split into their separate year groups for the morning sessions. Year 5 will be working with Miss Gascoigne, Mrs Brook, Miss Tighe and Mrs Wathen. Year 6 will be working with Miss Darroch and Mrs Brooks. The children will still be taking part in daily sessions of Literacy and Numeracy as well as the afternoon curriculum.
This week, the children have been developing their skills around the grid method when multiplying numbers. They have also been applying these skills in real life situations using money.
After the holidays: The children will continue their focus on mental and written strategies for all four operations as well as looking at place value. They will then apply these strategies to answer problems.
Home Learning– Use the following website to practise your times tables and number bonds -
This week the children have been using websites, videos and information texts to gather facts about Queen Elizabeth II. They have organised these facts to create a biography of our Monarch detailing the key moments in her life. We have used chronological skills as well as suitable connectives to organise the facts correctly.
After the holidays: Year 6 will be focussing on producing articles for their leavers booklets, whilst Year 5 will be writing recounts and studying some poetry.
Home Learning: Please learn the spellings which were inaccurate from today's spelling test. There are videos and games to practise spelling rules and patterns at
Other areas of the curriculum:
In Topic, the children have designed and produced a promotional leaflet advertising the products on sale at Leeds City Museum .
In PE, we have been continuing to develop our throwing and catching skills and applying these when playing a game of rounders.
In ICT, the children have been using the amazing features of iMovie to finalize their compilation of the animations which we created during our Japan topic.
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